The Environmental Impact of Growing CBD Flowers

When it concerns cbd flowers (fleurs de cbd), many enthusiasts focus upon cannabidiol (CBD) in relation to its potential health benefits. But there’s a second important component that plays a significant part in the way CBD interacts with our bodies: Terpenes. They are aromatic chemicals found in a variety of plants, like cannabis, are essential to the nuanced effects of CBD flower.

Understanding Terpenes

Terpenes are organic substances that give plants their distinct smells. They are present in cannabis and are responsible for the unique scent and flavor. However, their impact goes beyond just smell; terpenes interact with cannabinoids, such as CBD to modulate their effects. This is known by the term “environment effect, where the combination of cannabinoids and terpenes works together to increase or alter the healing characteristics of the plant.

Common Terpenes in CBD Flower

Myrcene: Commonly found in mangoes and hops, myrcene is known for its earthy, musky scent. It is believed to possess relaxing effects and may help in the sedative properties of some CBD strains. It may also enhance the absorption of cannabinoids, increasing their effectiveness.

Limonene: With a citrusy scent, limonene has been praised for its mood-boosting and uplifting effects. It’s frequently associated with the relief of stress and a feeling of well-being. In CBD flower the limonene compound can aid in balancing the more sedative effects of other terpenes.

Pinene: This terpene has a pine-like aroma and is renowned for its memory-enhancing and anti-inflammatory properties. Pinene is also able to counteract certain psychological effects of THC however its effect upon CBD flowers is not as strong.

Linalool: Known for its scent reminiscent of lavender Linalool is praised for its anti-anxiety and relaxation effects. It is a great complement to the relaxing properties of CBD which makes it a popular choice for those looking for stress relief.

Caryophyllene: The spicy peppery terpene stands out due to its ability to interact in the body’s endocannabinoid system, similar to cannabinoids. It is known by its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can boost the therapeutic properties of CBD.

The Entourage Effect

The concept of the entourage effect illustrates how cannabinoids and terpenes work together to create an overall therapeutic experience. While CBD has many benefits, its interaction with terpenes could alter its effects, potentially creating a more balanced and personalized experience.


Understanding terpenes will help you select CBD flower varieties that are compatible with the effects you desire. If you’re looking for relaxation, mood enhancement, or relief from pain by examining the characteristics of your CBD flower can be a major difference. By appreciating the role of these aromatic compounds, you can better customize your CBD experience to meet your requirements.